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India Design Writing and Curation

Unbox Festival 2013 Zine Press  Teal Triggs

Teal Triggs

Unbox Festival 2013 Zine Press
Creating Change Design Writings from India (interior) Kyoorius Magazine

Kyoorius Magazine

Creating Change Design Writings from India (interior)
You Are Here: NID Traces Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson

You Are Here: NID Traces
National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson

National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad
 Anchal Sodhani

Anchal Sodhani

Our design programme in India seeks to celebrate and create opportunities enabling design to have significant social impact. Part of the programme focuses on developing skills to document and capture design stories through writing, curating and developing programmes that involve and inspire the wider public. Our design writing programme has included partnerships in India with Kyoorius design magazine and UnBox festival since 2011. Working with UK-based writers, journalists and academics we create programmes aimed at building a culture of capturing design stories in India, resulting in a fanzine at UnBox, and a publication for Kyoorius’ major annual design conference DesignYatra.

The design curation programme is run through our partnership with the National Institute of Design (NID). Following an open call for applications, 2013 saw the first Curator-in-Residence Tom Wilson travel to Ahmedabad to work with NID staff and students on researching and reinvigorating their archival material. We also used this opportunity to develop a public facing programme as part of the annual Design History conference, which sought to show the relevance of design to a larger audience, including an exhibition curated as part of the residency.


9 October 2013

Publishing Next in Goa

Publishing Next in Goa Photo: Anna Gerber

Photo: Anna Gerber

9 October 2013

Curator in Residence at NID

Curator in Residence at NID Photo: Tom Wilson

Photo: Tom Wilson

9 October 2013

Creating Change Design Writings from India

Creating Change Design Writings from India Photo: Kyoorius Magazine

Photo: Kyoorius Magazine

12 September 2013

Visual Editions at Publishing Next

Visual Editions at Publishing Next Photo: Visual Editions

Photo: Visual Editions

4 September 2013

You Are Here: NID Traces

You Are Here: NID Traces Photo: Tom Wilson

Photo: Tom Wilson

14 August 2013

Tom Wilson - Curator in Residence NID

Tom Wilson - Curator in Residence NID NID Campus. Photo: NID

NID Campus. Photo: NID

7 March 2013

Hands-on making at UnBox

Hands-on making at UnBox Exhibition


21 February 2013

Unbox Festival's Zine Press

Unbox Festival's Zine Press The Zine Room

The Zine Room

9 September 2012

Design Writing Workshop - Kyoorius DesignYatra

Design Writing Workshop - Kyoorius DesignYatra Design Writing Workshop at Kyoorius DesignYatra. Photo: Deepak Prakash Verma

Design Writing Workshop at Kyoorius DesignYatra. Photo: Deepak Prakash Verma

22 February 2012

Unbox Festival 2012 - New Delhi

Unbox Festival 2012 - New Delhi SuperEverything performance by The Light Surgeons. Photo: Pete Collard

SuperEverything performance by The Light Surgeons. Photo: Pete Collard