British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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20 February 2018

Fashion Machine at Karmakol Festival

Fashion Machine at Karmakol Festival Maimana Mohammed Abbas

Maimana Mohammed Abbas

1 December 2015

We Talk FASHION with Carri Munden

We Talk FASHION with Carri Munden © Micheal Mayren

© Micheal Mayren

1 December 2015

We Talk FASHION with Nina Manandhar

We Talk FASHION with Nina Manandhar

28 November 2014

Philippines: Look of Style 2014

Philippines: Look of Style 2014

9 August 2012

International Architecture and Design Showcase: Your Guide Part Two

International Architecture and Design Showcase: Your Guide Part Two Norway: Hunter Cabinet Image courtesy of Oscar Narud

Norway: Hunter Cabinet Image courtesy of Oscar Narud

4 September 2011

Power of Making @ the V&A

Power of Making @ the V&A Courtesy the Craft Council

Courtesy the Craft Council

12 August 2011

Watch Me Move: The Animation Show

Watch Me Move: The Animation Show Lotte Reininger, The Adventures of Prince Achmed, 1926, © BFI National Archive

Lotte Reininger, The Adventures of Prince Achmed, 1926, © BFI National Archive