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Open Call EXTENDED: Rogelio Salmona Fellowship 2019

Open Call EXTENDED: Rogelio Salmona Fellowship 2019 Torres del Parque from Rogelio Salmona's Office, photo by Dominic Oliver Dudley

Torres del Parque from Rogelio Salmona's Office, photo by Dominic Oliver Dudley

7 March 2019
by Elena Tamosiunaite

We have extended the deadline for our Rogelio Salmona Fellowship until Monday 29 April 2019. Due to our website being down for the original deadline, we have decided to extend in order to give those of you unable to submit yesterday, a little more time. We look forward to receiving your applications.

The British Council is calling architects, designers and all creative practitioners who have an interest in exploring the work of Rogelio Salmona in Colombia to apply for the third and final round of the Rogelio Salmona Fellowship. 

The Fellowship seeks to raise awareness and understanding of the important contribution of Rogelio Salmona to architecture, culture and society; to widen and deepen the understanding of his work internationally; and to create long-term connections between the UK and Colombia, and between British and Colombian designers and architects.

The Fellowship is a 3-year programme (2017-2019) which gives the opportunity for creative practitioners based in the UK to travel to Colombia to explore the work of Rogelio Salmona, and the potential to formulate ideas for a project to be pursued in the UK at a second stage. The selection is made through this open call, with one Fellowship awarded each year. 

The Rogelio Salmona Fellowship is organised by the British Council and coordinated by Más Arte Más Acción, in partnership with Fundación Rogelio Salmona, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá and Centro Cultural Universitario Rogelio Salmona - Universidad de Caldas.

The Residency

While in Colombia, the designer in residence will be offered accommodation and access to a network of key contacts. They will be able to visit Salmona’s built projects, study the archive of his work, and speak with people who have studied his life. A study of the work of other architects and designers, as well as Colombian culture as a whole, is also encouraged. The residency will be split between Bogotá and the Colombian Pacific Coast, and may include other cities in Colombia according to the proposed itinerary by the selected Fellow.

In addition to any specific areas that applicants would like to research, possible lines of enquiry in Rogelio Salmona’s work include:

  • Architecture and citizenship;
  • History and memory;
  • Environment and nature;
  • Craft and materials;
  • Public realm.

Applicants must be able to travel to Colombia for a period of 5-6 weeks between 29 July and 4 October 2019 (arriving in Bogotá before 29 August 2019).

Previous Fellowships

Applicants are encouraged to research previous Fellowships and consider ways in which their proposal could complement past work:

In 2017, Freya Cobbin was selected as the inaugural Rogelio Salmona Fellow. Freya travelled to Colombia to explore the social legacy of Salmona’s work, and how inhabitants make use of the spaces he designed. Dominic Oliver Dudley, the 2018 Fellow, focused on the materiality of Salmona’s architecture, exploring his poetic approach to brickwork in architecture.

How to Apply

Please click here to view and download the Open Call document, which gives further information on the Fellowship and on how to apply.

The extended deadline for submissions is 16:00 (GMT) on Monday 29 April 2019.