British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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Fashion Revolutionaries

Fashion Revolutionaries

18 April 2019
by Lucy Swan

For Fashion Revolution Week we've created a series of mini-films to discuss the effects of the fashion industry with 3 London based Fashion Revolutionaries who introduce us to their methods and processes. Challenging the status quo within the fashion industry and carving new, industrious ways of creating clothing, encouraging us all to become more aware of our impact and how to utilise creativity and craft to counteract the damage we've been inflicting for so long, to both people and planet. 

Designer an activist, Katharine Hamnett talks us through 30 years' experience of building a sustainable and conscious brand - from source to store - while simultaneously campaigning for social, environmental and political changes. Founder of Highter Studio and coordinator for Extinction Rebellion, Sara Arnold, talks to us abbout the concept of circular economy, a sustainable business model for the fashion industry that uses rental to reduce waste, the carbon footprint of the industry and to encourage creativity. Up-cyclist and designer, Matthew Needham introduces us to how he takes things perceived as worthless and transforms them into pieces of luxury fashion using artisanal skills and craft. 

Follow @british_design on instagram to join the story 


Fashion Revolutionaries is a partnership between the British Council and Fashion Revolution, a global programme in its second year, it spotlights and supports individuals working from within the fashion indsutry advocating for vital changes to be mamde towards a more responsible and sustainable future, for all.