Designer The Sirius Photographer Alice Schillaci
Bojagi: The Art of Sharing, Transportation and Transformation
From food coverings to pouches for precious objects, embroidered or patchworked, traditional Korean bojagi wrapping cloths have been appropriated and transformed for myriad uses. For a new generation of Korea’s creative talent, the flexibility, recyclability and multi-functionality of the bojagi has the potential to offer an invaluable vocabulary to global fashion. The designers presented here are proudly spreading the word. Infusing bojagi culture with global influences and reinterpreting its tropes for an international audience, their creations emerge as metaphors for the driving forces of the contemporary global landscape: transportation, transformation, sharing and exchange.
Designers include: Chez Heezin, Softcore, The Sirius, Youser
Curator: Julie HJ Lee
Exhibition Design: Cabinat Limited
Organised by: Korea Creative Contents Agency, Korean Cultural Centre, Cabinat Limited
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