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Making Matters: Wacy Zacarias and Yegwa Ukpo in Conversation

20 October 2020

The success of circularity relies on a local approach to design, materials and manufacture. How can we step away from the global vision of modernity and utilise the resources unique to each city, town, district, country or continent? 

Watch and listen, as Wacy Zacarias, a designer and traditional healer based in Mozambique and Yegwa Ukpo, a designer and curator with a focus on alternate futures based in Nigeria, discuss the ways in which we can begin to differentiate ourselves - through design - from the linear global narrative that dominates design, materiality and changing the perspective on what contemporary design both looks and feels like. 

We commissioned this series as part of our Circular Design Labs which we develop in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Both Wacy and Yegwa were part of the 2019 cohort.

To find out more about this initiative which runs within our Making Matters programme, click here.

Follow Wacy here, here and here

Follow Yegwa here and here