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The British Council at London Fashion Week A/W 2017

Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer The PinkTree Company Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer The PinkTree Company
Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Munib Nawaz Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Munib Nawaz
Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Zuria Dor Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Zuria Dor
Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer  JEEM Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer JEEM
Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Sonya Battla Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Sonya Battla
Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Gulabo Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Photograph by Ayaz Anis

Fashion DNA: Pakistan designer Gulabo
Graduate Fashion Week Residency collaboration Lekat x Billie Jacobina

Graduate Fashion Week Residency collaboration Lekat x Billie Jacobina
Graduate Fashion Week Residency collaboration Lekat x Billie Jacobina

Graduate Fashion Week Residency collaboration Lekat x Billie Jacobina

16 February 2017
by Debbie Leane

London Fashion Week A/W 2017 is set to be another season celebrating truly international design talent, as seen in Sarah Mower's LFW preview on The International Fashion Showcase is our flagship fashion project, this year bringing together designers from 26 countries across the globe. Alongside this, designers from British Council programmes in Pakistan and Indonesia will be showcasing collections in London. 

Fashion DNA: Pakistan 2016-17

Six Pakistani designers will showcase during London Fashion Week A/W 2017; Gulabo, JEEM, Munib Nawaz, The PinkTree Company, Sonya Battla and Zuria Dor.

Building on the success of the first cycle in 2015-16, this year’s designers have participated in an eight-month-long intensive training programme focusing on fashion business skills, sustainable and ethical production, branding and communications. Their resulting ready-to-wear capsule collections will be shown for the first time in a catwalk at Fashion Scout on Saturday 18 February styled by Rebekah Roy

The show offers an insight into the burgeoning fashion scene in Pakistan showcasing contemporary design, culture and textiles to the London Fashion Week audience. The designers will go on to show the collections locally in a catwalk hosted by programme partner Fashion Pakistan Week in Karachi.

Graduate Fashion Week International Residency Award 2016

The capsule collection by Lekat x Billie Jacobina created during their resiency last year will be featured as part of Lekat's presentation at Fashion Scout on Monday 20 February. The collaboration celebrates the beauty of differences and tolerance, inspired by two Indonesian folklore; Putro Manalika and Nyi Roro Kidul. The collection combines Lekat's edgy designs with Billie's bold prints.  

Billie Jacobina will also have a solo presentation at Fashion Scout on Friday 17 February. Lekat will also showcase a new collection in the Next in Line exhibition at the International Fashion Showcase 2017 from 17-21 February at Somerset House. 

Keep up to date with our London Fashion Week activity on our Instagram

British Council Project

