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Making Matters: Betty Beenzu Chilonde and Dr. Mahendra Gooroochurn in Conversation

29 September 2020

What is the role of design in circular economy? How can we ensure principals of circularity make their way into industries of the future? Listen in on a conversation between Dr. Mahendra Gooroochurn and Betty Beenzu Chilonde, both practitioners and educators in circular design.

Mahendra is a senior lecturer in the Mechanical & Production Engineering Department of the University of Mauritius, an accredited professional in green building, design and construction. Betty is a fashion designer, founder of the label Black Forest who show their collections internationally as well as the Founder of Bulongo Incubator for Fashion and Creative Arts. During their conversation they discover the similarities between the two. The unexpected places to source materials to fortify building and enable clothing design – the importance of educating the next generation of the developments to in circular design so they can continue and build from where this generation leave off.  

We commissioned this series as part of our Circular Design Lab workshops which we develop in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Both Mahendra and Betty were part of the 2019 cohort.

To find out more about this initiative which runs within our Making Matters programme, click here.

Find out more about Betty here and here

Find out more about Mahendra here