British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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The Disruptive Innovation Festival

19 December 2018
by Hannah Robinson

Future Circularity: New Voices in Southeast Asia for The DIF

'By considering design in a circular context we have the chance to see it as a strategic tool to respond to the challenges we face in our daily lives'

Adi Wibowo, Architect, Jakarta

Shaping a future narrative for Making and Circular Design in Indonesia, this film created for the British Council's session for the DIF online festival, profiles creative practitioners from two different cities in Indonesia. Architect Adi Wibowo, Jakarta, and Creative technologist Irene Agrivina Widyaningrum, Yogyakarta, are both delegates of the British Council and Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Circular Futures Lab programme. Piloting in December 2018 the programme saw makers, designers and creative entrepreneurs from five countries in Southeast Asia meet for an incubation week of circular design workshops in the UK. 

What is the DIF?

The DIF (Disruptive Innovation Festival) is a fully online experience which aims to shift mindsets and inspire action towards a circular economy.

Curated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, it invites people to share disruptive ideas and stories on a number of topics and attracts a worldwide audience, sparking critical conversations and participation through a combination of live interviews, films, and podcasts.

British Council's Architecture Design Fashion and Creative Economy divisions in collaboration with Ellen MacArthur Foundation is exploring the future of Making through a new international programme focusing on Circular Design.