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Maker Library Residency at MAKLab in Dumfries, Scotland

Maker Library Residency at MAKLab in Dumfries, Scotland

Maker Library Network Artist in Residence at MAKLab Dumfries

Duration: 1 month (1st July - 31st July)
Artist Fee: £500

Apply for a unique opportunity to take part in a one month artist in residence programme at MAKLab hosted in partnership with the Maker Library Network and the British Council.

During this residency, you will get the opportunity to engage with an international network of designers, artists and makers and develop your practice in response to this context. You will get training on the latest cutting edge digital fabrication equipment at MAKLab Dumfries along with access to MAKLab's network of experts and studio spaces. As part of this residency, you will have access to the MAKLab Dumfries studio to use as a studio space for the time of your residency along with a 6 month membership to continue your practice beyond that time.


  • The AiR (Artist in Residence) must put forward a proposal for how they will make use of MAKLab's digital fabrication facilities to enhance their art practice.
  • The AiR must engage with the Maker Library Network as an integral part of their project and collaborate with a minimum of 1 Maker Library or Maker Librarian of their choice from outside the UK.
  • The AiR will submit weekly reports, including photos if relevant, by email to the project manager. These reports will form the basis for blog posts to be posted on the MAKLab and the MLN blogs.
  • The final outcome of the residency will be either an exhibition to be featured in the MAKLab Dumfries window front for a period of 1 month following on from the residency OR a public workshop accompanied by online resources to be published on the Maker Library website.
  • The AiR will be given the opportunity to exhibit the work produced during the residency or deliver workshops in other studios across the MAKLab network should they wish to in the months following the residency. 

*Accommodation, travel and living expenses are not funded as part of the residency.  

How to apply:

Submit an artist statement, 5 images or links to you online portfolio and a 500 word residency proposal to by the 25th May 2016

British Council Project

