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Stephen Calcutt's Book Selection

Stephen Calcutt's Book Selection  MLN LIBRARY ICON BY KOBY BARHAD


4 January 2016

Maker Librarian at Huddersfield University, Stephen Calcutt, talks us through key books that have informed his practice.  

The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and telepistemology in the age of the internet | Edited by Ken Goldberg, 2001

This book has been included as a reference for a series of important texts debating telepresence and telepistemology: knowledge acquired at a distance. The University of Huddersfield Maker Library program includes a number of workshops that engage students with both robotics and the internet. This book questions many important epistemological assumptions concerning interaction with objects, people or remote devices across the internet, and is a great series of texts that directly link practice to philosophical debate.  

Darwin Amongst the Machines | George Dyson, 1998

As part of the Maker Library programme, we explore the creative potential of electronic devices and the code that controls them. Darwin Amongst the Machines tells a story about thinking machines and the people who think about them. This book engages students in the debate of artificial intelligence and explores theories of how ‘intelligent’ machines need to be in order to be considered ‘free-thinking’. This is an important book for those interested in the critical debates surrounding the use of machines and devices in art, and its place in the UoH Maker Library is secured through our workshops with autonomous drawing machines and data-driven sculpture.  

Practical Arduino | Jonathan Oxer and Hugh Blemings, 2009

The Arduino platform is at the heart of many workshops in our Maker Library programme. The programme is delivered to students from across a variety of courses including Textiles, Graphic Design, Interior Design and Contemporary Art. Practical Arduino covers a wide range of projects that encompass a multitude of techniques that can be modified and built upon by students and integrated into their projects. This book is a reference guide to our students and covers practical projects, making use of hardware such as time lapse camera controllers, automation sensors, weather station receivers and RFID systems.

Get further inspiration from the MLN Bibliography.

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