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Opportunity: UK/Nigeria grants

Opportunity: UK/Nigeria grants

10 March 2015
by Ellie Smith

UK/NG is a programme that aims to connect over forty million young Nigerians (aged 18–35) to the UK by building new audiences for UK and Nigerian arts and culture. The ambitious cultural programme will peak between September 2015 and April 2016 in 5 cities across Nigeria and the UK.

We are currently inviting artists and arts organisations to apply to our grants scheme. We are seeking original and adventurous artistic project proposals, which will culminate in a high-quality live, or digital performance, showcase or other public facing event during the UK/NG season. Projects will be delivered in one or more of our focus cities in Nigeria (Lagos, Abuja and Calabar) or in the UK.

We are looking for a strong mix of projects across art forms including architecture, design, and fashion.

Click here for more information about applying.

The deadline has now been extended to 7 April 2015.