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British Design Days - Moscow Design Week 2014

Work in progress on the publication UK Design: context, schools, studios, spaces”

Work in progress on the publication UK Design: context, schools, studios, spaces”
Grastudio - Maker Library Network  Grastudio - Maker Library Network

Grastudio - Maker Library Network

Grastudio - Maker Library Network
Fi Scott - Peter Greig and Co. Ltd MakeWorks-KY-DiGilpin-StudioRoRo


Fi Scott - Peter Greig and Co. Ltd
6a architects - Paul Smith showroom, London  6a architects

6a architects

6a architects - Paul Smith showroom, London
Shai Akram & Andrew Haythornthwaite Design Studio Shai Akram & Andrew Haythornthwaite Design Studio

Shai Akram & Andrew Haythornthwaite Design Studio

Shai Akram & Andrew Haythornthwaite Design Studio
Julia Lohmann - Austurland: Designs from Nowhere Peter Collard

Peter Collard

Julia Lohmann - Austurland: Designs from Nowhere
PAN Studio - Selphie  PAN Studio

PAN Studio

PAN Studio - Selphie

16 October 2014
by Gian Luca Amadei

The British Design Days programme is a collaboration between the British Council and the Moscow Design Week it will kick off on Thursday 16 October at Dewar’s Powerhouse in Moscow with the presentation of the book UK Design: context, schools, studios, spaces. This publication focuses on contemporary British graphic design and is the result of a collaboration between British Council and Moscow based KAK magazine and publishing house. Guest co-editor for this project is Rick Poynor British writer, critic, lecturer and curator.

The programme for the British Design Days has been co-curated in collaboration with Pete Collard and will include a series of lectures and workshops running between 17-19 Octeber at Artplay, the headquarters of the Moscow Design Week. All events are free but please register here to secure a place as numbers are limited. Here below is the full programme running over the three days: 

Friday 18 October

Saturday 19 October

Sunday 20 October


Watch this space in the coming days, for more updates and images.

British Council Project
