British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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IFS: Andean Cosmovision

Photograph by Agnese Sanvito.

Photograph by Agnese Sanvito.
Photograph by Agnese Sanvito.

Photograph by Agnese Sanvito.
Photograph by Agnese Sanvito.

Photograph by Agnese Sanvito.

24 February 2013
by Osman Ahmed

For London-based designer Vivian Hidalgo, paying homage to her Andean heritage informs her design aesthetic. Having gained a degree in Graphic Design from the London College of Communication, Hidalgo’s collection, primarily consisting of scarfs and dresses, fuses traditional South American textile print with a lighter and more wearable approach to textile.


“The collection comes from traditional fabrics from Peru and Columbia, which are usually very heavy, so I have taken the patterns and printed them onto silk and cotton,” Hidalgo explains. “I wanted to keep my cultural identity alive, but make it more wearable.”


Every accessory and garment on display at the Bolivian embassy represents a significant Andean time, festival, ceremony or constellation, capturing the significance of these ancient activities while offering something that will fit into every wardrobe.