British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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1:1 Berlin Architectural Dialogues

1:1 Berlin Architectural Dialogues Photo: Eike Becker

Photo: Eike Becker

29 November 2012
by Kendall Martin-Robbins

British Council Germany and the BDA Galerie in Berlin will present a series of dialogues (in English) with new architectural voices from the UK and Germany.  The first dialogue will feature David Chambers (aberrant architects, London) and Jens Casper (Casper Mueller Kneer Architects Ltd, Berlin/London) on 4 December 2012 at 7pm (CET). Here, the two parties set out their respective positions on architecture and their personal approach tol design.  You can follow the dialogue on


Further dates are:


19.02.2013    Christian Huber (huber staudt architekten, Berlin) – Gavin Henderson (Stanton Williams Architects, London)
19.03.2013    Martin Ostermann (magma architecture, Berlin) – Asif Khan (Asif Khan Ltd., London)
16.04.2013    Jens Ludloff (ludloff + ludloff Architekten, Berlin) – Charles Holland (FAT [fashion architecture taste], London)
14.05.2013    Almut Ernst (Grüntuch Ernst Architekten, Berlin) – Julia Barfield (marks barfield architects, London)
18.06.2013    Donatella Fioretti (Bruno Fioretti Marquez Architekten, Berlin – Tom Emerson (6a architects, London)

British Council Project

