British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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Connected City


Musicity Eugene Lim (CC-BY-2.0 and adapted from original)

Eugene Lim (CC-BY-2.0 and adapted from original)

Musicity commissions recording artists to compose original music in response to a particular aspect of their city that inspires them. These exclusive tracks are then geo-tagged to their locations throughout the city and can only be heard by visiting each location. Producer of Musicity is DJ and tastemaker  Nick Luscombe. 


Steve Guy Hellier – Hoehyeon Citizen Apartment

Hannah Peel – Dongdaemun Design Plaza(DDP)

Gabriel Prokofiev – Seoullo 7017

Young Gyu Jang – Sewoon Electronics Department Store

Kayip – Cheong-pa hill

Music Group NaMu - Namsan Park(Baekbeom Square)

Neon Bunny – Naksan Park

For more information, please visit the British Council Music website
