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Maker Library Network

elegant embellishments

elegant embellishments

June 2015 | Make:City Berlin, Germany

Maker Library at elegant embellishments' studio © BRITISHCOUNCIL


Maker Library at elegant embellishments' studio
Daniel Charny leads a discussion © BRITISHCOUNCIL


Daniel Charny leads a discussion
Allison Dring and Daniel Schwaag  © elegant embellishments

© elegant embellishments

Allison Dring and Daniel Schwaag

elegant embellishments is a research and design manufacturing studio based in Berlin that creates architectural elements and buildings with a beneficial, active impact on their environment. It pioneered the Maker Library Network in Germany, running a month of events throughout June 2015 as part of Berlin’s Urban Architectural Festival Make City. elegant embellishments installed a pop-up Maker Library at the entrance of its space, where it displayed examples of work and a specialist selection of books on smart materials and sustainable architecture. It also hosted a dozen of talks and workshops, inviting innovative makers to meet and share knowledge within the studio. Topics debated included the relationship between craft and data, with Cecilia Palmer; the role of making in immersive technologies, with Miho Tanaka, and trends for the future of transport, with Michel David. The studio’s inspiring work has been exhibited in Maker Library Network exhibitions in Poland and Germany.

Who is involved? 

Maker Librarians Allison Dring and Daniel Schwaag show a proactive interest in sustainability and digital fabrication in urban contexts. They invent smart surfaces that break down and neutralise pollution particles, while contributing to the appeal of a building. Their goal is to turn innovative ideas into catalogue-ready building products for all to use, such as the smog-eating Prosolve Facade tiles in use on a Mexican hospital (a unit was exhibited in the Maker Library Fixhub in Lodz, Poland in October 2014.) The Biochar Tiles, which are made of waste CO2, were shown at the Vitra Design Museum Gallery, Germany in June 2015.

Smart Materials

On the web

Blog posts for elegant embellishments

26 July 2015

Maker Library Network Drop-in Self-folding Structures Workshop | Saturday 1 August 2015, 12:00-17:00

Maker Library Network Drop-in Self-folding Structures Workshop | Saturday 1 August 2015, 12:00-17:00 Image:


7 June 2015

Maker Library: Berlin Launches at MakeCity | Thursday 11 June

Maker Library: Berlin Launches at MakeCity | Thursday 11 June  Exterior of elegant embellishments studio Berlin

Exterior of elegant embellishments studio Berlin

1 June 2015

elegant embellishments' Book Selection

elegant embellishments' Book Selection  © University Of Chicago Press

© University Of Chicago Press