British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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IFS 2019

Rwanda - Cedric Mizero

Rwanda - Cedric Mizero Photograph by Chris Schwagga

Photograph by Chris Schwagga

Born and raised in a small village in Western Rwanda, Cedric Mizero is an artist and fashion designer. He now showcases his designs at the Collective RW - Week of Fashion.

Cedric has a unique vision of fashion built on collaboration and inclusivity. His long-term project is Fashion for All, a concept that is deeply embedded in his inspiration from rural Rwanda and strives to raise awareness of social issues and be a voice for the people through artistic expression. Fashion for All puts the women and men of the village at the centre of Cedric’s fashion collections, inviting people to reflect on the value of each individual and their right to access and enjoy fashion regardless of their age, size, social or economic status. As part of this concept, he created in December 2017 the exhibition and art installation Strong Women featuring photography, fashion, and mixed media highlighting feminine strength, energy, and responsibility. He works across design, art installation and performance, finding inspiration in unusual concepts and interactions with others. His collections harness the power of the imagination to transform ourselves and our world.


Supported by: Collective RW and Uber Luxe Safaris