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Connect for Creativity: Call for UK partner

Connect for Creativity: Call for UK partner

28 May 2019
by Niamh Tuft

British Council is seeking a UK partner to curate, design and produce a public exhibition to showcase work created in a series of art and technology residencies taking place in Turkey, Greece and Serbia to a UK audience in February 2020.

The Connect for Creativity art and technology residencies will bring artists, creatives and technologists from Turkey, the UK, Greece and Serbia together to explore uses of creative technology to build bridges and empathy within and across societies. The residencies will result in immersive and multimedia-rich artwork, powered by techniques of design research, human-centered design and speculative design. The artists will be asked to question what hopes and fears are associated with rapidly changing work and life environments in contemporary society, how a networked culture can develop cohesion and how to deal with uncertainty and change.  

This opportunity for a UK partner is to:

  • Appoint and manage a curator to create an artistic statement for the art and technology residency, curate the exhibition, and write curatorial text for exhibition panels and leaflets
  • Appoint and manage an exhibition designer to design a layout for the exhibition, design and fabricate the exhibition and install all works 
  • Lead on marketing and communications for the exhibition
  • Provide staffing to manage the space throughout the exhibition run, including at opening event
  • Share a basic evaluation of the exhibition with Connect for Creativity project partners, including visitor figures and press cuttings after the project close 
  • Public events programme would be desirable but subject to further discussion with Connect for Creativity project partners

The call closes on 27 June 2019.

For the full Request for Proposals please visit the Connect for Creativity website.


About Connect 4 Creativity

Connect for Creativity is an 18-month project led by the British Council, in partnership with 4 organizations –ATÖLYE in TurkeyBios in GreeceNova Iskra in Serbia and Abdullah Gül University in Turkey..

The project is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, through the Intercultural Dialogue programme. The project aims to form a network of creative hubs across Europe to foster creative exploration and collaboration that contributes to building a more cohesive, open and connected civil society. 

The project offers a number of opportunities for students, academics, artists, technologists, creative professionals, policy makers and general public across Europe to form international networks and collaborations, exchange knowledge and skills and participate in creative exploration on the pillars of empathy, engagement and empowerment.