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Opportunity: new Art new Audiences (nAnA)

Opportunity: new Art new Audiences (nAnA)  © BRITISH COUNCIL


Artists, arts organisations, and art collectives from the UK, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda are invited to submit an application to receive funding for a collaborative project across these countries.

New Art new Audiences (nAnA) is an annual British Council open call for 18 to 35-year-old artists, arts organisations, and art collectives from cities within England; Ethiopia; Kenya; Northern Ireland; Rwanda; Scotland; South Sudan; Sudan; Tanzania; Uganda; and Wales. nAnA gives an opportunity for artists from these cities to create new art together, and to showcase this art to audiences across these countries.

nAnA 2018 Key Information:

1. nAnA will fund 5 new projects in 2018.

2. Up to £30,000 will be allocated to each project.

3. Artists, arts organisations and/or art collectives from the specified countries (listed above) must connect to co-create, co-facilitate or co-produce new art together.

4. nAnA 2018 is particularly interested in supporting projects by artists, arts organisations and/or art collectives that already have, and want to build upon, cross country collaborations and connections. New partnerships are also encouraged and in the FAQs, you will see how the British Council are offering support to identify arts partners in the UK and the East African region

5. There are no restrictions on art forms and there are no restrictions on themes.

The deadline for applications is 15 July 2018. For further details and to access the application form, visit the British Council East Africa Arts website.