British Council Architecture Design Fashion

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SISA Designer: SISA, Photographer: Ignacio Santa Maria

Designer: SISA, Photographer: Ignacio Santa Maria

17 January 2016
by Niamh Tuft

SISA was born in 2012 at a crossroads between art, architecture and design, the various disciplines in which Sisa founders - Alejandra Cruz, Elisa Rodríguez and Trinidad Rodríguez - specialise in. SISA prioritises natural materials, such as silk, pima cotton and alpaca among others, together with exquisite craftsmanship and rigorous tailoring, to produce limited-edition collections. Thus, each garment follows a conscious and sustainable production thread, in line with the brand’s principles. Several concepts are analysed at the drawing stage, so that cross sections and relations between the different areas are identified in order to remain removed from fast fashion trends. Sisa wants to remain a conscious brand, avoiding mass production of any sort, incorporating special sizing and choosing to produce within Chile and Latin America, working with local crafts people, technicians and artisans.

SISA is showing as part of the International Fashion Showcase 2017, to find out more, click here.