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Opendesk at Maker Library: ATÖLYE İSTANBUL

Johann Stool © OPENDESK


Johann Stool
CNC stool pieces pre-assembly  © OPENDESK


CNC stool pieces pre-assembly
Joni Steiner  © OPENDESK


Joni Steiner

5 February 2016
by Ella Reynolds

In a programme curated by designer Bilge Nur Saltik, Maker Library: Atolye Istanbul will host London based designer and architect Joni Steiner, co-founder of Opendesk, a global platform for local making focusing on furniture designed for digital fabrication.


Talk - Digital Fabrication & Furniture Design

Wednesday 10 February | 19:00-20:30

During this evening event Joni will talk about his practice as a designer and architect, the story of Opendesk and explore the idea of “Open Making”. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A, moderated by Turkish designer Şule Koç.


Open Making Workshop

Thursday 11 February | 11:30-16:30

Joni will host a workshop introducing the processes involved in fabricating furniture using Opendesk designs and CNC technology. Participants will have the opportunity to assemble and finish the Opendesk ‘Team Desk’and ‘Johann’ stools during the workshop.

Both events will be free of charge.

Joni Steiner

Joni is a qualified architect and designer with the YAYA shortlisted architecture and strategic design firm 00:/ (zero zero). Part of the TED Prize winning WikiHouse design team, he was Lead Designer for Bristol Urban Beach, offices for the Association of Photographers and the RIBA Award winning Manor Works enterprise & community centre in Sheffield. Joni developed the original range of open-source furniture for Mint Digital and Hub Westminster and continues to evolve this with Opendesk.

Despite his background working on cultural and civic projects, Joni likes nothing better than getting his hands dusty in a CNC shop.



Opendesk is a global platform for local making. You can use it to download, make and buy work space furniture.

Opendesk has a global network of makers and a collection of furniture by a range of international designers. Because that furniture is designed for digital fabrication, it can be downloaded as a digital file and made locally — on demand, anywhere in the world.


British Council Project

