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Tandemize: London/Cairo Jewellery Exchanges

Egyptian students in residence at Cass

Egyptian students in residence at Cass
The group in London

The group in London
Traditional Darb pottery in Cairo

Traditional Darb pottery in Cairo

18 January 2015
by Kendall Robbins

Tandemize is the first collaboration and live project sponsored by the British Council Cairo in which Design Studio Azza Fahmy; Egypt's first specialized jewellery institute in association with Alchimia School of Contemporary Design in Florence partners with the Jewellery and Silversmithing department at the Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design in London.

Tandemize is an onsite & online creative and cultural exchange and exhibition program spaced over six months running November 2014 – to May 2015.
Led by Estela Saez and Mah Rana
Project team: Heidi Yeo, Ulrich Reithofer & Myriam Makhoul 
from Cass Studio Alchemy: Roxanne Reynolds, Julia Trandafir, Saskia Van Der Knoll
from Azza Fahmy Design School: May Wahdan, Adam Youssry, Amira Ayad.

Tandemize 'Cairo' exhibition 8th - 11th February 2015

About the Design Studio by Azza Fahmy 

The Design Studio by Azza Fahmy (DSAF) offers students and upcoming entrepreneurs of all ages and nationalities a specialized Jewellery design and making program in association with Alchimia, Contemporary Design School in Florence, Italy.

The Design Studio by Azza Fahmy focuses on jewellery, metalsmithing techniques and design skills that are necessary to succeed as a jewelery artist. In jewellery making you learn all aspects of sawing, filing, soldering, casting, and forging. While in decorative metal techniques you learn about inlaying, filigreeing and chasing, as well as the particulars of working with silver, gold and stones.

The school offers its students ongoing exhibitions to display their work and participate in renowned international exhibitions across Europe. DSAF students are offered the opportunity to attend courses in Alchimia Design School, in Florence, Italy, with special grants.

The Design Studio by Azza Fahmy is located in a beautiful art village, off Maadi cornish.

About the Sir John Cass School of Art 

Based in the heart of the City of London and on the borders of the East End, the Jewellery and Silversmithing Department at Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design has a unique historical and cultural place within the arts and crafts community of London. Courses include: BA (Hons) Jewellery & Silversmithing, MA Jewellery (Taught), MA by Project: Jewellery, Silversmithing, Metal and short courses in Jewellery & Silversmithing

British Council Project
