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AIDF: New International Funding Opportunity!

27 February 2014
by Hannah Burgess

Applications now open for
Artists’ International Development Fund 

The British Council and Arts Council England's international development programme the Artists’ International Development Fund is now open to applications from designers, architects and those working in fashion design for the next and future rounds.

From February 2014 architects and designers will be eligible to apply for developmental grants, which are between £1,000 to £5,000, to travel, explore and collaborate internationally whilst carrying out professional projects.

Vicky Richardson, British Council Director of Architecture, Design and Fashion said: "This is the first time a travel grant scheme of this sort has been offered to architects, designers, curators and editors. We're anticipating a lot of interest, and we'll be looking forward to seeing the new work and international collaborations that result from it.”

We hope this new oppurtunity will help support an exciting range of international projects in architecture, design and fashion, and promote international collaboration among designers between the UK and other countries.

How to Apply

The next round (Round 7) is now open for applications.

The deadline for applications is 5pm Friday 9 May 2014, and activities must start after Friday 27 June 2014 and end before 31 March 2015.

For full details and to apply visit


The programme is open to artists of any artform:

  • who have received recognition for their work in England
  • who do not have extensive international experience
  • whose work will benefit from launching better international networks - either artistically or in terms of developing an audience for their work
  • who can demonstrate an interest in their work from an overseas partner/host

Individual artists, including creative producers, curators and editors, can apply. 

Although the Artists' international development programme is aimed at individual artists, small groups of artists who normally collaborate in their work can also apply. This could include, for example, musicians and visual artists who usually create work together, or writers and their translators.

Exchange projects are welcomed. However, international activity, outside the UK, should comprise at least 50% of your project activity and expenditure.

Please visit the AIDF website for full eligibility criteria