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Maker Library Network at Design Indaba: Making & Thinking

Leopard masks process

Leopard masks process
Leopard masks process

Leopard masks process
Lino print and roller

Lino print and roller

9 February 2014

For World Design Capital Cape Town 2014’s signature event themed Thinking + Making, local Maker Librarians, Thingking used the many different things that can be done with a piece of paper to represent the process of designing. By making one decision you set out on a journey that presents new opportunities for defining an object. To bring this idea to life, the basic activities of cutting, drawing and affixing were assembled into a production line with different micro-stations, to make a selection of handmade masks. Masks are part of South Africa’s heritage, and have been used since antiquity for both ceremonial and practical purposes, yet still hold their place in modernity among dress-up partygoers and children who temporarily assume different archetypes.

This event was part of the Maker Library Network launch

British Council Project

South Africa
