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h Club 100 Creative Entrepreneur of the Year

h Club 100 Creative Entrepreneur of the Year (c) Pablo Rossello

(c) Pablo Rossello

15 September 2013
by Hannah Burgess

Do you know someone who is shaking up the creative industries? Are they based in the UK? Have they been in business for less than ten years? They could be one of our Creative Entrepreneurs of the year...

The British Council has teamed up with The Hospital Club to invite new UK-based creative entrepreneurs to apply for the Creative Entrepreneur category in the h Club 100. Ten of the best applications will be selected for the category, with three winners also being invited to one of the following countries - Russia, Brazil, Vietnam, Nigeria or South Africa – for a curated programme to meet industry peers and engage with exciting new trends internationally.

Applicants should be creative people who have been in business for less than 10 years, but already have a track record of testing new business models, reaching new audiences, using new technologies and driving forward the development of their creative sector. 

The closing date for applications is 6 October 2013.

More information and details of how to apply can be found here.

If you’d like to nominate someone for the award, please tell us their email address here and we’ll contact them directly and invite them to apply.