GS 44, print on platinum processed film, 120 x 240, private collection.
17 June 2012
by Pete Collard
Following successful exhibitions around China and Asia, Italian designer and architect Matteo Melioli will be presenting his work in London at the Cities Methodologies 2012, the annual showcase organized by the UCL and the Bartlett School of Architecture.Matteo's work explores the perceptual link between seeing and listening, examing the sculptural properties of sounds. The drawings and paintings interpret the interplay of music, time and movement, unfolding the structure that binds sound and space together.
Launch Event:
Wednesday 4 July
Gallery Presentation
5 July 6pm
Exhibition continues until 7 July2012
Opening Times:
Thursday to Friday 10am-8pm
Saturday 10am-1pm
Contact the artist at to arrange a private view